Date & Time
Monday, July 15, 2024, 9:30 AM - 12:10 PM

Market update (09:30am - 10:00am)

As markets continue to react to influences and movement across the globe, we’ve brought together an expert panel to share their insight on the current market outlook, and thoughts on what we can expect to see in coming months.

Hosted by Fabian Wiesner, Head of Distribution Partnerships, SimplyBiz


  • Nicola Mai, PIMCO
  • Rob Perrone, Investment Counsellor, Orbis
  • Craig Rippe, Canada Life


General Election - what next? (10:00am - 10:45am)

2024 has been heralded as the year of elections, with around 49% of the world’s population facing a national election during this twelve-month period. The UK’s own General Election will take place just a week or so before this Advice Show and, in this session, a panel of experts will discuss the repercussions of the results, what it means for consumers, and the potential implications of other global elections.

Hosted by Fabian Wiesner, Head of Distribution Partnerships, SimplyBiz


  • Nick Stamenkovic, Economic Analyst, HSBC Global Asset Management
  • Dr Faerlie Wilson, Vice President, BlackRock 
  • Jessica Franks, Head of Investment Products, Octopus Investments
  • Kate Smith, Head of Public Affairs, Aegon
  • Leigh Renders Senior Manager, Policy and Public Affairs at M&G Wealth


Regulatory Horizon Scan (10:45am - 11:15am)

With the Consumer Duty Annual Report deadline now a just two weeks away, we take a look at what firms need to consider to ensure they’re ready, no matter at what stage they are currently. Plus, we look at wider regulation, including Retirement Income Review, vulnerable clients, greenwashing, SDR, and more.

Hosted by Richard Ardron, Marketing Director, SimplyBiz


  • Alexander McGregor, Head of Policy, SimplyBiz
  • Stuart Burnside, Head of Product Governance & ESG, M&G Investments


Your tech upgrade (11:15am - 11:35am)

As part of the Member and Client updates at the current round of Learning and Development and Professional Development Events, we have been providing delegates with a timely update on our recent tech enhancements, which are proving rather popular.

In this session, we invite Adviser Services Director, Marc Thompson to provide more insight onto our tech strategy and what's available to support firms.

Hosted by Richard Ardron, Marketing Director, SimplyBiz


  • Marc Thompson, Adviser Services Director, SimplyBiz


The decumulation transition (11:35am - 11:55am)

In this 20-minute session, we’ll explore the growing regulatory focus around the decumulation journey and suitable products and strategy. Our team of specialists will explore the changing landscape, and products and solutions available to support advisers in this space.

Hosted by Fabian Wiesner, Head of Distribution Partnerships, SimplyBiz


  • Clive Moore, Managing Director, IDAD
  • Simon Morris, Strategic Partnerships Director, Premier Miton
  • Richard Parkin, Head of Retirement Income, BNY Investments


Helping you to be 'Net Zero' (11:55am - 12:10pm)

In this session, we’ll explore how businesses of all sizes can strive for climate change accreditation and the advantages this could give you.


  • Neil Russell, Net Zero Now
Fabian Wiesner Rob Perrone Craig Rippe Nick Stamenkovic Faerlie Wilson Jessica Franks Katie Smith Leigh Randers Richard Ardron Sandy McGregor Marc Thompson Clive Moore Simon Morris Richard Parkin Matt Johnson